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Saturday, January 14, 2012

This blog is about the courage, love,  strength and pride that my children have demonstrated and instilled in me through out my life. I don't know if I am going to be writing their story or mine at this point....but I know that the world has got to hear it.

A dear Hawiian friend once asked if I knew the definition of family? before I could answer she said "it means no one left behind." God bless her for the revelation of the truth.

We would like to share this experience of charactor building life and how the love that held us together built bridges form this world to the next that not a one of us would be left behind.

Thank you my sons and family....for never leaving me behind.

The Wedding
by Ana Fraijo

The day  started out beautiful. Everyone was so excited as they got ready for my niece's wedding. We arrived at the hall that they had rented for the ceremony and the reception. Everything was falling into place. I was deep into art at that time. Writing poems , charcoling, painting and working with ceramics.

I had made a plaque for them to commerate their wedding day that held a scroll. The plaque had a pair of prayer hands that held a nest with two small birds looking down at an egg. Also, the prayer hands held a scroll.

After a while it was time for the ceremony to beging....but like all weddings, it ain't a wedding unless something goes wrong, and something did. The preacher didn't show up. My niece called me to her dressing room. She was a wreck with worry, "who is going to marry us?" how are we going to get someone ordained to do the wedding with so short notice. She was right we couldn't find anyone.

Well the people in the chapel were waithing and waithing with no idea that we were almost going to have to cancel and announce our perdicament. Then finally as I sat with her in the dressing room watching her heart break...I asked God to please help us get through this. It finally dawned on me that it didn't matter who performed the wedding. None of the guest would know the difference and we could marry them by a judge in private later. No one had to know the better. On with the weddint we went. I told not to worry about a thing except fixing that make up and getting ready for her que to march down that isle. We were having a wedding.

In every family clan of blood relations and friends there is that one outrageous character that seems to stand out in every predicament. This is my friend Chuck he was also the best man...until he had to become the minister.
Chuck is the delinquint  son of an Irish pastor, so going to weddings and doing weddings were not a problem for him. NOOO!!! by no means was he a church man but no one had to know that either...and me I am as far from a wedding director as shit from a flower but we did it.
That's right" shit from a flower" and the' preacher's son" took the show.

We borrowed a bible and ordained Chuck. He was thrilled to go from best man to minister. I have to say that the mischievness gleem in his eye made me shiver. The way the wedding would go and went was something like this.

The bridal march started and the flower girl and ring barer marched down the isle to the waiting groom and "Preacher Chuck". Then everyone stood up and the bride marched in. I was in the back watching and making sure that everyone involved in this was doing there part. She was beautiful.  As she reached the alter with the groom and Preacher Chuck ... the show began.

Chuck began with a small sermon on marriage before he started  doing the vows. He  was so awesome it was hard not to brake out laughing. Being that I learned to know Chuck well over many a beer...this was ridiculious funny to me and my sons who also were in on "operation wedding."  

Chuck got to the part where he says, who ever is against this union speak now or forever hold  your peace...and just it happened. A  small boy about 5 yrs old comes running down the isle with a golden scroll in his...Chuck in his shocked minister manner quicly annouces "hold on ladies and gentlemen what do we have here?"

From behind I could see the members wittnessing the wedding shrug with horror. lol
Chuck takes the scroll from the young boy's hand and unties the blue satin ribbon and reads....

Dear Anthony and Pam,

     I care for the sparrows and I care for you.

May your blessings be many and your heartaches be few.

may your love be sweeter than the grapes that make wine.

May the love that you share last longer than time.

And when your skys become cloudy and dark with despair..

...just reach for MY HANDS and know that I'm there.

For I AM HE that put's life in the vine and

I AM HE that blesses your union.

For I am gratefull for our communion.

So don't let life's chaos bring grief and worry.

Just call out my name and I'll come in a hurry....

....and never foget the power of love...

and you'll fly up to the Heavens on withgs of a dove.

Sincerely with all my love,


Thanks for inviting ME.

As he read the poem the audience began to tremble and hold their hand over, their mouths. They couldn't control themselve. Over whelmed with tears. You could cut through the emotion with a knife in that room. But when he finised the letter and read " Sincerely with all my love....YOUR CREATOR the entire auditorium stood up and clapped and cheered and cried tears of joy for Jesus came to the wedding. Now that is what my gang is capable of. They brought Jesus on the scene. God I thank you for them.
That's right people one left behind.

The preacher is still at We never did hear for the absent preacher again. If only he knew the beautiful wedding he helped make by not showing up.

Me and Chuck.

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