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Monday, January 16, 2012

I opened my Mayan treasure chest…..and there they were…

Listen to the wind blow I hear your ancient voices

Bringing me your message to help me make the right choices
Teaching me the path back to my peoples roots
Now I can hear the music played on your ancient flutes.
(Mayan Moon Goddess flute, 2005/03)

The sweet music of your truth carries in the wind…It tames the
Hearts of beasts and soothes the souls of men.
I hear our ancient leaders their hearts beating like a drum.
Their courage burning like a fire…their pride shining like the sun.

(Top picture: Tata Angel, middle picture: Nana Frances, Bottom picture: Mama)
We see you little one, your birth gives us great joy.
For this is God's own evidence, that warriors come from little boys.
We will watch you grow and turn into a man.
Your destiny is written that is how we know you’ll stand.

So listen to the wind and hear our ancient message.
For you are not alone on this long and rugged passage.
Many have gone before you and many will come after…
For the Mayan winds so gently blow from here and ever after….

Written by: Ana Fraijo 1999
I remember when...and even then I knew you would be great men.
Mama loves you so much.

Top picture my youngest warrior Francisco Jordan Fraijo 09-21-87 -12-23-06 (2004)

Center picture is my eldest son Micah Johanan Silva 03-06-1981(Christmas, 2011)Micah and his childres. Miqueas Julian Silva, Irene Jasmin Silva and Michaella Amabel Silva.

Bottom picture is my middle son Angel Esteban Fraijo with his wife Sylvia Galvez and their daughter Corina aka: Beanie Galvez-Fraijo. (Christmas , 2011) below is Jasmin his oldest daught and
Mary his middle daughter.

Many come before and many will come after..
...and the Mayan winds so gently blow from and ever after...

(Mayan Moon Goddess Flute, 2012)

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