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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Courage packed a punch

"And the hits keep coming...." That was a great story. I have to tell it again. Last night my niece and her son called me and told me this story.

 A guest that was fairly new to her was at her home where they were gathered to visit and have a good time. I don't know what this man was thinking but he invited himself to more than he bargained for.

He confronted my niece in her bedroom and when she very clearly said "HELL NO" he pushed her and she fell on her bed...she is a fighter and my girl was getting ready to fly up swinging when.....her eldest son who is 17 yrs old came flying through the door  and cold cocked this man dowwwwnnnnn. lol

She said by the time she got up to partake in the ass kicking my nephew had dragged him to the front door and flung him out to the parking lot...with "and don't come back jackass.!!!

The motto of this story is ... little boys grow up to be full grown that love Jesus and their mothers. That is the way it turned out in my family. Generation after generation the courage is still running strong.  It is good to see the blood line is still strong. GO SANCHEZ/FRAIJO'S GO.

So woman beating abusers don't knock at our doors. The smallest one among us will flatten you out... a family is only as strong as their weakest link. Last night I found out there are no weak links in this family not even the little ones.

Tivon and his mother, Lisa today.
Tivon and his brother Gyven boxing.
 Tivon as a little boy with is brothers and cousins.I wrote this poem because Tivon, Gyven, EZ, Irene, Michaella and Miqueas inpired itWhen the sun's not your friend, may the river quench your thrist...when the night threaten's your soul, may the moon guide your faith...and when your heart hear's the joy....May your soul feel the music.....then dance, dance, dance....
 Written by Ana Fraijo (chritsmas,2007)

The  picture above (Christmas, 2007) was taken one year after the valiant death of their uncle Francisco Jordan Fraijo. He taught them  love, loyalty,courage and to always protect each other. He gave the ultimate example with his life. I wrote this poem because Tivon, Gyven ,EZ, Irene, Michaella and Miqueas inpired it. I saw that the future would be good when they were together. I was rights. My little children your Tio Frankie told me just before he died that you children were his whole heart. He made me promise that I would watch over you and keep you if something happened to him...he said that you guys were his everything. He passed away saving the lives of people we love 2 weeks later. Thank you my Tecayo for honoring the code of love. 

Written by Ana Fraijo (January 22, 2012)

I wrote this poem when your uncles Micah, Esteban and Frankie were I dedicate it you my Tecayo. I am going to say this the way your Tio Frankie did...I love you with my life.

I started this poem when Micah was born ..... I continued it when Esteban was born..I finised it when Frankie was born...

I planted a seed of loveliness and then i watched him grow.
 But soon will come the day my son, when you will fly and go.
The sky will be your city the sun will be your guide. 
Just follow the calling in your soul for He will be your eyes.
One day you'll conquer mountains beyond the rolling hills.
 Use your courage to fight the battle, but let love be your shield.
The mountain tops are yours my son, but you must win them there.
 Take with you the Solid Rock being your heart a weakness there.
For you are only human and you will bleed and fall.
 But in your heart there is a place where you will hear the Creator's call.
And with a mighty thunder HE will help you stand.
 And when you look inside yourself..... will a see A MAN...
Written my Ana Fraijo
03-06-1981 -09-21--1987

Madre, Esteban, Micah and of course Frankie.
February, 2009 
We will never let you walk alone in the world Tivon. So if things start going bump in your house long after we are gone...excuse our clumsiness. lol

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