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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Courage packed a punch

"And the hits keep coming...." That was a great story. I have to tell it again. Last night my niece and her son called me and told me this story.

 A guest that was fairly new to her was at her home where they were gathered to visit and have a good time. I don't know what this man was thinking but he invited himself to more than he bargained for.

He confronted my niece in her bedroom and when she very clearly said "HELL NO" he pushed her and she fell on her bed...she is a fighter and my girl was getting ready to fly up swinging when.....her eldest son who is 17 yrs old came flying through the door  and cold cocked this man dowwwwnnnnn. lol

She said by the time she got up to partake in the ass kicking my nephew had dragged him to the front door and flung him out to the parking lot...with "and don't come back jackass.!!!

The motto of this story is ... little boys grow up to be full grown that love Jesus and their mothers. That is the way it turned out in my family. Generation after generation the courage is still running strong.  It is good to see the blood line is still strong. GO SANCHEZ/FRAIJO'S GO.

So woman beating abusers don't knock at our doors. The smallest one among us will flatten you out... a family is only as strong as their weakest link. Last night I found out there are no weak links in this family not even the little ones.

Tivon and his mother, Lisa today.
Tivon and his brother Gyven boxing.
 Tivon as a little boy with is brothers and cousins.I wrote this poem because Tivon, Gyven, EZ, Irene, Michaella and Miqueas inpired itWhen the sun's not your friend, may the river quench your thrist...when the night threaten's your soul, may the moon guide your faith...and when your heart hear's the joy....May your soul feel the music.....then dance, dance, dance....
 Written by Ana Fraijo (chritsmas,2007)

The  picture above (Christmas, 2007) was taken one year after the valiant death of their uncle Francisco Jordan Fraijo. He taught them  love, loyalty,courage and to always protect each other. He gave the ultimate example with his life. I wrote this poem because Tivon, Gyven ,EZ, Irene, Michaella and Miqueas inpired it. I saw that the future would be good when they were together. I was rights. My little children your Tio Frankie told me just before he died that you children were his whole heart. He made me promise that I would watch over you and keep you if something happened to him...he said that you guys were his everything. He passed away saving the lives of people we love 2 weeks later. Thank you my Tecayo for honoring the code of love. 

Written by Ana Fraijo (January 22, 2012)

I wrote this poem when your uncles Micah, Esteban and Frankie were I dedicate it you my Tecayo. I am going to say this the way your Tio Frankie did...I love you with my life.

I started this poem when Micah was born ..... I continued it when Esteban was born..I finised it when Frankie was born...

I planted a seed of loveliness and then i watched him grow.
 But soon will come the day my son, when you will fly and go.
The sky will be your city the sun will be your guide. 
Just follow the calling in your soul for He will be your eyes.
One day you'll conquer mountains beyond the rolling hills.
 Use your courage to fight the battle, but let love be your shield.
The mountain tops are yours my son, but you must win them there.
 Take with you the Solid Rock being your heart a weakness there.
For you are only human and you will bleed and fall.
 But in your heart there is a place where you will hear the Creator's call.
And with a mighty thunder HE will help you stand.
 And when you look inside yourself..... will a see A MAN...
Written my Ana Fraijo
03-06-1981 -09-21--1987

Madre, Esteban, Micah and of course Frankie.
February, 2009 
We will never let you walk alone in the world Tivon. So if things start going bump in your house long after we are gone...excuse our clumsiness. lol

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

To the sons of my Heaven

To the sons who are my fortress that protect me from the storms.
To the sons who are the courage that help me to go on.
To the sons who are the dignity that keep my spirit free.
To the sons who so sincerely bring this old heart peace.
To the sons who have walked beside me on down the winding path.
To the sons who turned the grapes to wine instead of grapes of wrath.
To the princes of their worlds, that none can destroy or overcome them.
The Kings of their free will with hearts beating drums of justice.
I see their great majestic spirits take flight on wings of eagles.
As eloquent as the lions that hunt prey in the fields.
May the Creator always guide you and may you always listen.
To the sons whose noble hearts will always be my ….Heaven….
Because of you I am Queen…

Monday, January 16, 2012

I opened my Mayan treasure chest…..and there they were…

Listen to the wind blow I hear your ancient voices

Bringing me your message to help me make the right choices
Teaching me the path back to my peoples roots
Now I can hear the music played on your ancient flutes.
(Mayan Moon Goddess flute, 2005/03)

The sweet music of your truth carries in the wind…It tames the
Hearts of beasts and soothes the souls of men.
I hear our ancient leaders their hearts beating like a drum.
Their courage burning like a fire…their pride shining like the sun.

(Top picture: Tata Angel, middle picture: Nana Frances, Bottom picture: Mama)
We see you little one, your birth gives us great joy.
For this is God's own evidence, that warriors come from little boys.
We will watch you grow and turn into a man.
Your destiny is written that is how we know you’ll stand.

So listen to the wind and hear our ancient message.
For you are not alone on this long and rugged passage.
Many have gone before you and many will come after…
For the Mayan winds so gently blow from here and ever after….

Written by: Ana Fraijo 1999
I remember when...and even then I knew you would be great men.
Mama loves you so much.

Top picture my youngest warrior Francisco Jordan Fraijo 09-21-87 -12-23-06 (2004)

Center picture is my eldest son Micah Johanan Silva 03-06-1981(Christmas, 2011)Micah and his childres. Miqueas Julian Silva, Irene Jasmin Silva and Michaella Amabel Silva.

Bottom picture is my middle son Angel Esteban Fraijo with his wife Sylvia Galvez and their daughter Corina aka: Beanie Galvez-Fraijo. (Christmas , 2011) below is Jasmin his oldest daught and
Mary his middle daughter.

Many come before and many will come after..
...and the Mayan winds so gently blow from and ever after...

(Mayan Moon Goddess Flute, 2012)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

She quoted, “everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain….

Ask yourself who lives in that heart. How hard you are willing to love, sacrifice, be patient, BE a living example...and don't expect anything back. Jesus didn't expect anything back from us except to believe in Him...and we can't ever get up and muster up a little faith to do that, can't work it.

 We need to be grateful for the power of rain like the lil sister says. Got to dance in rain learn to like it a lot. The element of rain is for the purpose of cleanse ourselves like the rain cleanse and quenches the thirst of the mother earth.  We need to become stronger than our pain so we can have a little gain.  The reward of that gain is your rainbow. Now you shine.

That is the best part of striving and struggling for life is the happiness we gain. You get to keep your rainbow at the end of the day.  Tomorrow you will get to do it again.

Now that's working it. So now when the happiness shines down upon me after the rain pours... I KNOW THAT HE IS THE LORD MY GOD...AND TODAY WE ARE HAPPY AND ALIVE.

Mija you and my little mans taking on life's pain to achieve having life's happiness are a vision to and your zest for life and happiness inspire me. Hector you have four reasons to be proud. Congratulations my little family for the ability to love and live and dance in the rain. Shine for each other....GOD I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOOOO MUCH.

Written by: Ana Fraijo

January 15, 2012

This is dedicated to Veronica Duarte and her handsome sons who have managed to make their place in my heart. I love you…Madre.

Well said Ma & I believe every word cus God gives us the Will & its up to us to follow thru & make ourselves happy not wait for that to fall into our lap. I will strive thru the pain & prove I am strong! Luv u & miss u ma!
This conversation began between me and Stephanie on facebook. She had posted this picture and the sweetness of a single mother's love for the joy of one moment with her child reminded me that it was time to thank a mama for her love.
Stephanie and Angelica

She is such a happy girl. Thanks to living a good life. I thank you so much for being a great mama. Just in case someone hasn't done that today. Now I can close my eyes see her little face and know in my heart here is a little girl that is in good hands. And she is loved.

 The world can sleep tonight where she is concerned. THANKS TO YOU MIJA ... toys will get played with till the wheels fall off. Dolls will be kissed till their cheeks are worn out. Ducks in the park will be fed by little hands that care...and this old lady can dream of a better world with hope and faith so strong the dream comes true. Stephanie you and Angelica inspire me. Love you soooooo much.


(Ana Fraijo, 1/15/2012)

Awe that made me cry madre, thank much!! im speechless, but you made my heart so happy, thank you!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

This blog is about the courage, love,  strength and pride that my children have demonstrated and instilled in me through out my life. I don't know if I am going to be writing their story or mine at this point....but I know that the world has got to hear it.

A dear Hawiian friend once asked if I knew the definition of family? before I could answer she said "it means no one left behind." God bless her for the revelation of the truth.

We would like to share this experience of charactor building life and how the love that held us together built bridges form this world to the next that not a one of us would be left behind.

Thank you my sons and family....for never leaving me behind.

The Wedding
by Ana Fraijo

The day  started out beautiful. Everyone was so excited as they got ready for my niece's wedding. We arrived at the hall that they had rented for the ceremony and the reception. Everything was falling into place. I was deep into art at that time. Writing poems , charcoling, painting and working with ceramics.

I had made a plaque for them to commerate their wedding day that held a scroll. The plaque had a pair of prayer hands that held a nest with two small birds looking down at an egg. Also, the prayer hands held a scroll.

After a while it was time for the ceremony to beging....but like all weddings, it ain't a wedding unless something goes wrong, and something did. The preacher didn't show up. My niece called me to her dressing room. She was a wreck with worry, "who is going to marry us?" how are we going to get someone ordained to do the wedding with so short notice. She was right we couldn't find anyone.

Well the people in the chapel were waithing and waithing with no idea that we were almost going to have to cancel and announce our perdicament. Then finally as I sat with her in the dressing room watching her heart break...I asked God to please help us get through this. It finally dawned on me that it didn't matter who performed the wedding. None of the guest would know the difference and we could marry them by a judge in private later. No one had to know the better. On with the weddint we went. I told not to worry about a thing except fixing that make up and getting ready for her que to march down that isle. We were having a wedding.

In every family clan of blood relations and friends there is that one outrageous character that seems to stand out in every predicament. This is my friend Chuck he was also the best man...until he had to become the minister.
Chuck is the delinquint  son of an Irish pastor, so going to weddings and doing weddings were not a problem for him. NOOO!!! by no means was he a church man but no one had to know that either...and me I am as far from a wedding director as shit from a flower but we did it.
That's right" shit from a flower" and the' preacher's son" took the show.

We borrowed a bible and ordained Chuck. He was thrilled to go from best man to minister. I have to say that the mischievness gleem in his eye made me shiver. The way the wedding would go and went was something like this.

The bridal march started and the flower girl and ring barer marched down the isle to the waiting groom and "Preacher Chuck". Then everyone stood up and the bride marched in. I was in the back watching and making sure that everyone involved in this was doing there part. She was beautiful.  As she reached the alter with the groom and Preacher Chuck ... the show began.

Chuck began with a small sermon on marriage before he started  doing the vows. He  was so awesome it was hard not to brake out laughing. Being that I learned to know Chuck well over many a beer...this was ridiculious funny to me and my sons who also were in on "operation wedding."  

Chuck got to the part where he says, who ever is against this union speak now or forever hold  your peace...and just it happened. A  small boy about 5 yrs old comes running down the isle with a golden scroll in his...Chuck in his shocked minister manner quicly annouces "hold on ladies and gentlemen what do we have here?"

From behind I could see the members wittnessing the wedding shrug with horror. lol
Chuck takes the scroll from the young boy's hand and unties the blue satin ribbon and reads....

Dear Anthony and Pam,

     I care for the sparrows and I care for you.

May your blessings be many and your heartaches be few.

may your love be sweeter than the grapes that make wine.

May the love that you share last longer than time.

And when your skys become cloudy and dark with despair..

...just reach for MY HANDS and know that I'm there.

For I AM HE that put's life in the vine and

I AM HE that blesses your union.

For I am gratefull for our communion.

So don't let life's chaos bring grief and worry.

Just call out my name and I'll come in a hurry....

....and never foget the power of love...

and you'll fly up to the Heavens on withgs of a dove.

Sincerely with all my love,


Thanks for inviting ME.

As he read the poem the audience began to tremble and hold their hand over, their mouths. They couldn't control themselve. Over whelmed with tears. You could cut through the emotion with a knife in that room. But when he finised the letter and read " Sincerely with all my love....YOUR CREATOR the entire auditorium stood up and clapped and cheered and cried tears of joy for Jesus came to the wedding. Now that is what my gang is capable of. They brought Jesus on the scene. God I thank you for them.
That's right people one left behind.

The preacher is still at We never did hear for the absent preacher again. If only he knew the beautiful wedding he helped make by not showing up.

Me and Chuck.